Flowers in the Garden (PreBallet Lesson Plan)

Teaching the Dance Concepts: Sizes & Levels

The flowers in the Garden Pre-Ballet Lesson Plan teaches the dance concepts of Sizes and Levels as dancers explore the steps to plant a garden and how flowers grow. Recommended for Ages 4-7

This Lesson Plan includes:
- Teacher's Guide
- Prop & Music List
- Class Downloads Visuals
- Brain Dance Warm Up
- Standing Warm Up
- 2 Developing Skills Activities
- Obstacle Course
- Includes Video Demonstrations of each activity
- Socially Distanced and Virtual Teaching Alternatives

This lesson plan is recommended for children ages 4-7

Course curriculum

    1. Teacher's Guide

    2. Introducing the Concept - Sizes & Levels

    3. Prop List

    4. Music List

    1. Dance Me a Story™ - Planting a Flower Garden

    2. Audio Recording

    3. Video Demonstration with Music

    4. Video Demonstration without Music

    1. Standing Warm Ups - Root Pliés

    2. Standing Warm Ups - Seed Tendus

    3. Standing Warm Ups - Water Piqué Rond de Jambes

    4. Standing Warm Ups - Growing Leaves and Flowers

    1. Relevé Marches & Échappés

    2. Skips

    1. Setting up your Obstacle Course

    2. Growing a Flower Obstacle Course

    1. Teaching Alternatives (Social Distanced or Virtual Options)

About this course

  • $50.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content