Printables: Growing a Flower Obstacle Course (Tap) - Body Shapes
CourseDancers receive a Petal Coloring Page with the phrase: "I grew a flower today! Ask me to Perform ___________" to take home to parents. Dancers complete a flower shaped obstacle course as they perform tap moves focused on 4 different body shapes.
Printables: Growing a Flower Obstacle Course (Ballet) - Body Shapes
CourseDancers receive a Petal Coloring Page with the phrase: "I grew a flower today! Ask me to Perform ___________" to take home to parents. Dancers complete a flower shaped obstacle course as they perform ballet moves focused on 4 different body shapes.
Printables: Growing a Flower Obstacle Course (Ballet, Tap & Hip Hop) - Body Shapes
CourseDancers each receive a Petal Coloring Page with the phrase: "I grew a flower today! Ask me to Perform ___________" to take home to parents. Dancers complete a flower shaped obstacle course as they perform moves focused on 4 different body shapes.
Lesson Plan: Flowers in the Garden - Shapes & Levels (Creative Dance)
CourseIn this Creative Dance Lesson Plans, dancers will explore the dance concepts of Sizes & Levels as they dance out the process of planting a flower garden. This lesson plan is recommended for children ages 3-5
Printables: Butterfly Ballet Terminology Matching Game
CourseMatch up your Ballet Terminology with their correct meanings by finding the Butterfly Wings that match! When you find a match, perform those dance skills for practice.
Dance Concept Box: May I Dance in the Garden?
CourseThe May I Dance in the Garden? Dance Concept Box includes 14 Dance Concept Visuals and Games for your Learner's Circle plus a Brain Dance Cueing Activity and Butterfly Terminology Match Game. **Box not included in your purchase**
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